Unlock effortless transfer pricing with Tax Documentation Tool

Are you struggling to find time and resources to prepare up-to-date transfer pricing documentation for all your group companies? We have developed an easy-to-use tool that enables fast creation of transfer pricing documentation (master file and local files) compliant with the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations.

The tool ensures you have consistent transfer pricing documentation throughout the group (terminology, language, transaction characterisation).

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Time-consuming manual process turned into 5 simple steps for automatised transfer tax documentation

Use our import feature to import relevant information on the separate entities in your group

Use our import feature to import the intra-group transactions for the fiscal year you are documenting.

Link the intra-group transactions to relevant functional- and comparability analysis.

Prepare the company overviews for relevant group entities.

Insert final pieces of information to be used in the master file e.g. key value drivers.

Why our tool is your best choice for transfer pricing documentation?

  • OPTIMAL SOLUTION – We ensure that the tool and its documentation framework is up to date with OECD requirements which in turn helps you to create compliant transfer pricing documentation. The tool helps you to identify your group’s core documentation needs and to create coherent transfer pricing documentation. 
  • DEVELOPED BY PwC PROFESSIONALS – The tool is developed by our local team of tax technology and transfer pricing professionals.
  • STANDARDISATION & SCALABILITY – Standardised and streamlined transfer pricing documentation format for your company across all markets, ensuring consistent documentation throughout the group and mitigating the risk of documentation penalties and burdensome transfer pricing audits. 
  • SAFE CHOICE – We and our customers have been successfully creating transfer pricing documentation using our tool. Our local team is always ready to help you with any technical and transfer pricing related questions.
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