Risk Assurance

Risk isn't about responding to change. It's about changing the way we see. Shifting our perspective. Considering different angles. To anticipate, be agile and build resilience.

Grow the potential of your business

Identify the risks and opportunities

Not all risks encountered mean a crisis to the business, but instead some of them bring opportunities with them. With a well-made risk strategy, the prerequisites are created to approach risks in a predictive and instructive manner. At the same time, the opportunities and threats brought by the risks are noted.

React to change in a controlled way

Risk management that is tied to the business ensures the preservation of control in surprising change situations. We work together with your company, supporting you in all business areas, from employees to performance, from systems to strategy and from business plans to continuity management.

Monitor and verify risks and threats

Manage operations by developing what already exists: your business grows in this way. Appropriate reporting satisfies the demands of interest groups and makes the development and advancement of the business possible. We help your company to develop, implement and validate business controls as effective. We improve reporting to make it insightful and transparent, meaning that your company can make important and conscious decisions.

Achieve strong business advantages

Effective risk management is not just protecting the business, but also an enabler of the growth and development of the business. With PwC’s risk management methodology and tools, you can ensure the continuity, development and enhancement of your business operations. With the aid of comprehensive risk management, you’ll dare to move into new areas of business more boldly than your competitors do.

Our industry knowledge at your service

Financial sector

The finance sector is changing: more and more agile and intelligent service solutions and the transparency of processes are required. We help your company to act and react in the right way in the changing regulatory environment. We also help in managing risks, enhancing operations and improving the customer experience by streamlining processes and utilising data.

Industrial manufacturing

Industrial companies are growing more and more often through company acquisitions or through transformation projects and many regulatory changes cannot be foreseen. We help your company in executing and securing process and system changes in change situations, in changing the challenges of regulatory changes into opportunities and in enhancing the operational business or supply chain.

Retail and consumer

The retail trade is at a turning point. Consumers are more aware and technology is changing purchasing behavior and business models and bringing pressures on cost-effectiveness and multi-channelledness. The utilisation of customer data and store technology, the optimisation of distribution processes and speed require effective and secure systems and processes, as well as the utilisation of wide-ranging data.


In the technology field, speed, reliability of delivery and data security are all assets. Many technology companies lack the knowledge to carry out internal inspections, audits and various kinds of risk analyses that are required to ensure operations. We offer extensive services for technology companies, for example for ensuring the supply chain, for the auditing of programs or for data security.


In the healthcare sector, investments are increasing and technology is opening the door to new operating procedures. Customers want service that is more personal and at the same time, concerns grow about the safety of healthcare systems. We help companies in the healthcare field to maximise new technology investments and the efficiency of internal processes, to stay up to date with legal and regulatory changes and assure different systems and their risks.

See examples how we have helped our clients to succeed

ERP data brought under control

We carried out the assurance of a worldwide ERP project for a client, which comprised the adoption of the ERP systems of more than 50 different countries. The assurance was targeted at the correctness of data migration, as well as the efficiency and controls of business processes. As a part of the assurance assignment, we also evaluated the risk management of the project and the project management model.

Customer satisfaction through reporting

In order to ensure the quality of our client’s IT and financial administration services, we made an ISAE 3402 report. We inspected the monitoring environment at the IT and financial administration service centers and recommended measures for the development of the environment. Processes were streamlined and errors were reduced, leading to efficiency and customer satisfaction. Through the report, the client could take part in large tenders.

The cybersecurity of a production plant

Our client was concerned about the cybersecurity and operational reliability of its production plants. We created a cybersecurity audit model for the client and took the model into production at one plant. The security and operational reliability of the plant improved significantly and the client got use of operating procedures and models with which it was able to further cybersecurity at other plants as well.

We enable and deliver a panoramic view of your unique risk landscape, so you can act boldly and purposefully

Contact us

Petri Näätänen

Petri Näätänen

Partner, Risk Assurance Services Leader, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7295

Timo Takalo

Timo Takalo

Partner, Cybersecurity & Privacy Assurance Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7489

Jussi Sovasto

Jussi Sovasto

Internal Audit Leader, Partner, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 7877104

Jussi Nokkala

Jussi Nokkala

Partner, Sustainability Advisory Leader, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 8189

Risto Huovinen

Risto Huovinen

Partner, Risk Assurance Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7883

Jarkko Sihvonen

Jarkko Sihvonen

Partner, Risk Advisory Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7771

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