HR Consultation

Workforce is the single highest expenditure of an organisation. With high-quality and specialised HR expertise, workforce can also be the key factor in your company’s success and genuinely the greatest asset. We help you to achieve this by solving existing challenges, whether they involve organising HR-related work, developing your HR processes, improving managers’ leadership skills, retaining your employees, or some other HR-related areas.

We help and support our clients with HR-related matters, addressing every angle of diverse business scenarios – be it a growth journey laying the foundation for the future, a stable business environment with room for improvement and more efficient workforce allocation, or a larger transformation where fundamental change may be needed.

We offer help with understanding the overall situation, prioritising the most important actions, and with the actual implementation.

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Anastasia Strandberg

HR Services and Leadership, PwC Finland

+358 (0)20 7877525


Ella Jäämaa

HR Services and Leadership, PwC Finland

+358 (0)20 787 8117


HR Health Check 

Are you aware of the current state of your company's workforce-related areas? Are all employer obligations considered and are statutory plans in place? Does your company have functioning HR processes and what is the state of collaboration between management and HR? Does your company attract and engage the right talent? What is the turnover of your workforce and the level of sick leave, and how about the shape of other workforce-related key indicators? Would you like to gain more control and form a balanced picture of where you are with everything? We help you analyse the current state of your workforce administration and management from every angle and provide you concrete recommendations for the future.

We investigate your organisation's HR processes through interviews and workshops and by analysing your HR documents and processes. The need for an analysis may arise in scenarios where: your company grows or seeks to grow, during a business acquisition or preparation for one, when legislation changes or significant development targets surface or, for example, there are changes in staff or a requirement for onboarding.

The benefits of the HR Health Check service include: 

  • a clear overview of the current situation and identification of potential deficiencies or risks  
  • hands-on instructions for organising statutory HR functions  
  • prioritised suggestions for creating and/or developing other HR functions  
  • clarification and streamlining of HR processes and responsibility areas  
  • a clear overview and prioritised development suggestions and observations, which serve as tools for the management to make successful decisions and for the onboarding of HR professionals or, for example, for mapping the needs of HR, or which serve as a basis for cost-effective collaboration. 

HR as a continuous service

Is your organisation lacking an HR representative, or does your current HR team need additional part-time staff or more expertise? HR as a continuous service offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative for having your own HR representatives, HR managers, or for using interim HR services.  

We support your organisation in both strategic and operational HR issues whenever you need help. The number of hours and duration of the service are agreed according to your organisation's needs. At the beginning, we map the needs and unique features of your organisation together with you.  

By investing in continuously available HR expertise, founders, CEOs, and CFOs benefit from having more time available for other areas of management. In addition, our service supports you in diverse situations whether it is a change in workforce structure, absence-related issues or other temporary HR needs.  

HR as a continuous service can include assistance in, for example: 

  • creating and updating HR processes 
  • fulfilling employer obligations  
  • creating or renewing plans for the workforce 
  • planning and implementing annual HR roadmap  
  • identifying the HR needs of the business 
  • employment contract matters 
  • challenging management situations 
  • ad hoc questions 
  • workforce recruitment  
  • supporting reward and payroll administration 
  • current workforce skills assessments and successor planning 
  • developing workforce skills 
  • workforce onboarding process 
  • managing well-being at work. 

HR as a continuous service offers your organisation:  

  • flexible and cost-effective help when needed  
  • support for situations that involve change, such as changes in the number of employees, e.g., through company acquisitions  
  • the wide expertise of our professionals in different areas of HR  
  • risk distribution   
  • supporting management, HR representatives and/or supervisors as needed 
  • workforce experience as an investment in employees  
  • a reliable and competent partner whose expertise you can use when you need it. 

HR Due Diligence and support in situations of change 

HR Due Diligence (DD) is a comprehensive overview of the current state of the organisation's workforce, which is needed, for example, in mergers or investment negotiations. Some organisations also utilise the HR DD report to prepare the company for selling or to develop its current state. 

The HR DD report is typically prepared in connection with a financial key figure-based Due Diligence report, providing a comprehensive overview of the organisation that is under review. 

The HR DD service can be used to describe the organisation's 

  • employment contracts  
  • salary processes and models 
  • reward practices  
  • goal setting and management practices  
  • corporate and leadership culture  
  • key workforce roles  
  • risks related to workforce 
  • workforce practices  
  • key figures related to workforce 
  • industry-focused, workforce-related issues. 

The benefits of HR DD include, among other things 

  • identifying workforce-related risks 
  • smooth integration and commitment of workforce in merger-related situations. 

We offer versatile HR support for the various needs of your organisation.

Please contact us if you want to know more about our HR consulting services.

Why PwC?

  • We serve our clients concerning employer obligations, tax collection, social security, individual taxation and tax reporting. In addition to this we also offer payroll reporting services, reward consultation, HR consulting and labor law consulting for employers. Thus, you can get everything under one roof.
  • At PwC, our services are comprehensive and we assemble our team of experts from different areas of expertise, always according to our client's needs. Our extensive network consists of e.g. experts in taxation, company law, labor law, remuneration, valuation and financial reporting.
  • We are a trustworthy domestic operator with extensive expertise, and our international network allows us to serve you flexibly in Finland and in more than 150 countries.

Contact us

Anastasia Strandberg

Anastasia Strandberg

HR Services and Leadership, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 7877525

Ella Jäämaa

Ella Jäämaa

HR Services and Leadership, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 8117

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